22 April 2011


The two weeks that Brother Jed was preaching on campus, I estimate that I spent a total of at least 35 hours at Brother Jed functions, including talking to people at Speakers Circle, going to the Christian vs. Atheist Debate, and even going to Brother Jed's house for dinner with 30 or so other Christians, atheists, and agnostics. In that time, I got to talk to more people about Jesus and faith than I ever have.

So, before I get into the topic of the blog, I want to put in my Speakers Circle evangelism plug to any of the Christians who might read this who will be at Mizzou next year (or any campus where street preaching happens). When Jed is preaching, we have one of the BEST OPPORTUNITIES to talk to people about Christ. Of course, we will probably disagree with a lot of what Jed says, but WHO FREAKIN CARES. Seriously, it doesn't matter. Because there are almost always a ton of people sitting around listening to Jed and the other preachers, and all you have to do is go up to them and say, "Hey, what do you think about what these guys are talking about?" Then, you can talk about what they believe and the truth about what you believe (Jesus). It's that simple....at least it begins that simple. The conversations you will have will not be simple. But please please please please please view this not as an opportunity to argue with another Christian (maybe you don't agree that Jed is even a Christian, but it doesn't matter), but rather as a beautiful OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE YOUR FAITH. Because that's what it is. (You may have a chance coming up. I believe Jed and company will be back next week, April 25th - 29th)

Anyway, the topic of this blog is questioning. I think that I'm in somewhat of a time of questioning. Not questioning my belief in God (so don't worry too much) because I know that God always brings me back to Himself when I seek the truth. But more of a questioning of why I believe what I believe, whether that's the accuracy of the Bible, tough questions about fairness and justice, why other religions are wrong, why I am so convinced of the existent of the God of Abraham and Jacob, etc. A lot of this has been sparked by my conversations with people at Speakers Circle who think I'm crazy for following a "man in the sky who sent a Jewish man down from the sky 2000 years ago to die to save humanity from impending eternal doom." I realized how little I really know, and how important it is to have good answers....or at least better discernment about when to answer questions and when to admit what I don't know.

There are a few specific things I want to do, and I hope I'll be faithful in doing these. First, I want to read Jesus' teachings as objectively as possible without bias from what I've learned growing up in Christian community. I don't think I've been deceived by the church or anything....I just think it's better to believe things based on scripture rather than because I've been taught a certain way. There are tons of things I believe about God and spirituality that are probably biblically based....but I haven't really studied why they are biblically based. For example, the need for a "personal relationship" with God. I'm pretty sure that the personal relationship is key, but I don't know much scripture offhand to back it up....which I should have something to back it up if I'm going to tell people that they need it so badly.

Another thing I'm going to do is read Love Wins by Rob Bell. I doubt I will agree with the premise of the book, but I want to read it with an open mind to see if there is any truth in it before I write off the author of two of my favorite books (Velvet Elvis and Sex God) as a heretic. And if he is right about everyone going to heaven in the end (if that's really what he claims....I haven't read it yet), then I'm pretty okay with that. (I don't think that everyone ends up in heaven, but unlike Jonah, I wouldn't be too pissed about billions of people not ending up in Hell for eternity.)

Whatever happens, whether my beliefs change or are strengthened, I truly believe that if I seek the truth, then I will only move toward the truth. I think Matthew 7:7-8 supports this....but I might be wrong.

Carpe diem. Seize the day. Aprovecha el día.

Go big or go home.