10 May 2011

What god drove us apart?

"What god would damn a heart?
What god drove us apart?
What god could?"

-Rise Against, "Make It Stop"

I just bought the new Rise Against album, and I wanted to write about this song called "Make It Stop." The song is about boys who have committed suicide for being teased and bullied in school for being gay.

Since I'm going to be a teacher, I will undoubtedly have to deal with these issues. Bullying is a serious problem, and words cut deeply. I'm sure I will learn a ton this next year about how to deal with kids who make fun of others who are different and to be supportive of kids who feel isolated or hated because of their same-sex attractions.

I think back to my days in middle school and high school. I remember when the words "gay" and "fag" were a forceful presence in my vocabulary of derogatory words, directed at other people who I deemed lesser than myself. I can't get those moments back. I take responsibility and the blame for the stupid and hurtful things I said.

What I can do is work to change this for future kids. I can talk about this kind of stuff with them. I can set an example by not tolerating name-calling, teasing, etc. I can show them that all people are all important in God's eyes, no matter what gender they are attracted to.

If you are a Christian, as I am, I hope you realize the need to actively fight against the hate our religion has caused to the LGBTQ community. Whether you think a homosexual lifestyle is sinful or not, it is crucial that we show love to our neighbors, and not try to change them. Love first. If someone rejects that lifestyle, great, let's help him or her with that. If not, we still love.

In the song, it says, "What god drove us apart?" Whatever god that is, that has fueled so many "Christians" to hate others, it's not the God of Abraham and Jacob that I follow. I'm sorry for the times I've rejected the one true God and decided to serve the god of hate. Let's show everyone the love and truth of our God instead.

Carpe diem. Seize the day. Aprovecha el día.

Go big or go home.